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30 cheat sheats for successful SEO Reviewed by stor-app on March 31, 2014 Rating: 5 What a SEO needs to know? The web is flooded with infografics and cheat sheets. Somebody meant once, such giveaways are good for SEO as link...
How to practice guest blogging successfully without penalty fear Reviewed by stor-app on March 31, 2014 Rating: 5 There are hard times for guest bloggers and guest blogging platforms. Google's top spam officer  means, guest blogging is done. Even was...
Solution for "Your post was not shared. Please try again" and how to post to multiple communities Reviewed by stor-app on March 28, 2014 Rating: 5 As i was a bloody rookie at Google+ i was affected many times by the " Your post was not shared. Please try again " error. This er...
Oftener and deeper into Knowledge Graph? - Become better entity at Wikidata! Reviewed by stor-app on March 27, 2014 Rating: 5 Well my dear entity owners, i realize with pleasure, you really like becoming entity! You maked such stormy run on my previous topic about b...
How to become an entity? Create Freebase topic! Reviewed by stor-app on March 25, 2014 Rating: 5 What? Are we individuals not already a kind of entity? Sure, but... Google would say - not enough, it lacks something important. Yes, if you...
Solution for "Rich snippets not showing" Reviewed by stor-app on March 21, 2014 Rating: 5 During my microdata coding i quite accidentally realized, that " rich snippets are not showing " doesn't always mean " ri...
Authorship markup: how to combine correctly several kinds of it? Reviewed by stor-app on March 21, 2014 Rating: 5 Yes, exactly, how to correctly combine them? More: why is it useful and needful to use several authorship markup and whether it produces any...
Optimizing of Blogger load time Reviewed by stor-app on March 17, 2014 Rating: 5 Insert scripts properly into Blogger template's head There are many how-to's for implementing of third-part scripts into Blogger tem...
How to SEO Joomla? - advanced SEO extensions and workarounds Reviewed by stor-app on March 16, 2014 Rating: 5 From all free PHP web CMS i like Joomla more than all other. Why? I can work with it very effectively and get done alone enterprise level pr...