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Screaming Frog 9.0 renders websites with Chrome 60

The new but not obvious thing in Screaming Frog 9.0 is the rendering engine. You should know - it isn't Chrome 41 (41.0.2272.118), which is used by Google's web rendering service (WRS). With it Screaming Frog can't render websites to 100% as Googlebot. But approximately identically to ;)

It is rather Chrome 60 (60.0.3112.113). This Chrome version was choosen by Screaming Frog developers as more stable AND with fewest rendering differences to the Chrome 41. You can compare both versions more detailedly at https://caniuse.com/#compare=chrome+41,chrome+60.

According to Screaming Frog support Chrome 60 version was selected due to working stability with the spider engine at scale, rather than because of rendering issues.

You can see the current Chrome version in the debug window:

Screaming Frog 9.0 uses Chrome 60 as rendering engine. Information about Chrome version is placed in the debug window.

Screaming Frog 9.0 renders websites with Chrome 60 Reviewed by stor-app on March 05, 2018 Rating: 5 The new but not obvious thing in Screaming Frog 9.0 is the rendering engine. You should know - it isn't Chrome 41 (41.0.2272.118), whic...

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